St Andrew's

Psalter Lane


Streamed Service Archive

Sunday 29th March, Passion Sunday

Sunday 5th April, Palm Sunday; Good Friday MeditationSunday 12th April, Easter Day; Sunday 19th April, Low Sunday; Sunday 26th April, 3rd Sunday after Easter; 

Sunday 3rd May, 4th Sunday after Easter; Sunday 10th May, 5th Sunday after Easter - please note that due to copyright issues, this service was only available until 30th May; the activities are still available on the SAPLC Children page; Sunday 17th May, 6th Sunday after Easter; Wednesday 20th MaySunday 24th May, Wesley Day; Wednesday 27th May - unfortunately, the recording of this service didn't turn out too well, but these are the words and pictures from the service; Sunday 31st May, a celebration of Pentecost

Sunday 7th June, Trinity Sunday; Wednesday 10th JuneSunday 14th June, Trinity 1; Wednesday 17th June (The discussion document, some passages by Thomas Traherne, are available here.); Sunday 21st June, Trinity 2; Wednesday 24th June (This service is a response to the death of our very dear friend Chris Lowry.); Sunday 28th June, Trinity 3

Wednesday 1st July (The discussion passage is available here.); Sunday 5th July, Trinity 4; Wednesday 8th JulySunday 12th July, Trinity 5; Wednesday 15th JulySunday 19th July, Trinity 6; Wednesday 22nd July - we were unable to record the service, but we followed Taiz daily prayer as the liturgy and discussed these 2 poems by Rabindranath Tagore; Sunday 26th July, Trinity 7; Wednesday 29th July

Sunday 2nd August, Trinity 8; Sunday 9th August, Trinity 9; Sunday 16th August, Trinity 10; Sunday 23rd August, Trinity 11; Sunday 30th August, Trinity 12

Wednesday 2nd September (The study passage is here.); Sunday 6th September, Trinity 13; Wednesday 9th September (The study passage is here.); Sunday 13th September, Trinity 14; Wednesday 16th September (The study passage is here.); Sunday 20th September, Trinity 15 (You can read the prayers of intercession here.); Wednesday 23rd September (The study passage is here.); Sunday 27th September, Trinity 16; Wednesday 30th September (The study passage is here.)

Sunday 4th October, Harvest Festival and Climate Sunday; Wednesday 7th October (The study passage is here.); Sunday 11th October, Trinity 18; Wednesday 14th October (The study passage is here.); Sunday 18th October, Trinity 19; Wednesday 21st October (The study passage is here.); Sunday 25th October, Trinity 29; Wednesday 28th October (The study passage is here.)

Sunday 1st November, All Saints; Sunday 1st November, All Souls; Wednesday 4th November (The study passage is here.); Sunday 8th November, Remembrance Sunday; Wednesday 11th November (The study passage is here.); Sunday 15th November, Trinity 23; Wednesday 18th November (The study passage is here.); Sunday 22nd November, Sunday before Advent; Wednesday 25th November (The study passage is here.); Sunday 29th November, Advent Sunday

Wednesday 2nd December (The study passage is here.); Sunday 6th December, 2nd Sunday of Advent; Wednesday 9th December (The study passage is here.); Sunday 13th December, 3rd Sunday of Advent (The intercessions are here.); Wednesday 16th December (The study passage is here.); Sunday 20th December, 4th Sunday of Advent; Thursday 24th December, Christmas Eve - Christingle service; Friday 25th December, Christmas Day


Sunday 3rd January, Epiphany and Covenant Service; Wednesday 6th January (The study passage is here.); Sunday 10th January, Baptism of Christ; Wednesday 13th January (The study passage is here.); Sunday 17th January, Epiphany 2 (The intercessions are here.); Wednesday 20th January (The study passage is here.); Sunday 24th January, Epiphany 3; Wednesday 27th January (The study passage is here); Sunday 31st January, Epiphany 4


Wednesday 3rd February (The liturgy is here and the study passage here.); Sunday 7th February, Second before Lent; Wednesday 10th February (Order of service and study passage); Sunday 14th February, Last Sunday before Lent; Wednesday 17th February morning service (The study passage is here.); Clifford All Saints Ash Wednesday service; Sunday 21st February, First Sunday of Lent; Wednesday 24th February (Liturgy and study passage); Sunday 28th February, Second Sunday of Lent


Wednesday 3rd March; Sunday 7th March, Third Sunday in Lent; Wednesday 10th March (Liturgy and study passage); Sunday 14th March, Mothering Sunday; Wednesday 17th March, St Patrick's Day (Liturgy and study passage); Sunday 21st March, Fifth Sunday in Lent; Wednesday 24th March (The study passage is here.); Sunday 28th March, Palm Sunday


Holy Week services (You can find the service sheets here.)

Monday 29th March

Tuesday 30th March

Wednesday 31st March

Thursday 1st April, Maundy Thursday

Friday 2nd April, Good Friday


Sunday 4th April, Easter Sunday; Sunday 11th April, Low Sunday; Wednesday 14th April (The study passage is here.); Sunday 18th April, Third Sunday of Easter; Wednesday 21st April (The study passage is here.); Sunday 25th April, Fourth Sunday of Easter (There are extra pictures to see here and here, and you can read the intercessions here.); Wednesday 28th April (The study passage and liturgy are here.)


Sunday 2nd May, Fifth Sunday of Easter; Wednesday 5th May (Study passage and liturgy.); Sunday 9th May, Rogationtide; Wednesday 12th May (study passage and liturgy); Sunday 16th May, Seventh Sunday of Easter (Intercessions); Wednesday 19th May (Study passage and liturgy); Sunday 23rd May, Pentecost; Sunday 30th May, Trinity


Wednesday 2nd June (Study passage and liturgy); Sunday 6th June, 2nd Sunday after Pentecost; Wednesday 9th June (Study passage and liturgy); Sunday 13th June, 3rd Sunday after Pentecost; Wednesday 16th June (Study passage and liturgy); Sunday 20th June, 4th Sunday after Pentecost; Sunday 27th June, Trinity 4


Sunday 4th July, Trinity 5; Sunday 11th July, Trinity 6; Sunday 18th July, Trinity 7; Sunday 25th July, Trinity 8


Sunday 1st August, Trinity 9; Sunday 8th August, Trinity 10; Sunday August 15th, Trinity 11; Sunday 22nd August, Trinity 12 (Intercessions); Sunday 29th August, Trinity 13


Sunday 5th September, Trinity 14; Sunday 12th September, Trinity 15; Sunday 19th September, Trinity 16; Sunday 26th September, Trinity 17


Sunday 3rd October, Harvest Festival and Climate Sunday; Sunday 10th October, Trinity 19; Sunday 17th October, Trinity 20; Sunday 24th October, Trinity 21; Sunday 31st October, All Saints (Intercessions here); All Souls' Memorial Service


Sunday 3rd November, 3rd before Advent; Sunday 14th November, Remembrance Sunday; Service of Remembrance; Sunday 21st November, Christ the King; Sunday 28th November, First Sunday in Advent


Sunday 5th December, Second Sunday in Advent and Patronal Festival; Sunday 12th December, Third Sunday in Advent; Sunday 19th December, Fourth Sunday in Advent; Candlelit Christingle Carols, Sunday 19th December; Saturday 25th December, Christmas Day; Sunday 26th December, St Stephen's Day


Sunday 2nd January 2022, Covenant Service; Sunday 9th January, Baptism of Christ; Sunday 16th January, 2nd Sunday after Epiphany; Sunday 23rd January, 3rd Sunday after Epiphany; Sunday 30th January, Candlemas (Intercessions)


Sunday 6th February, Fourth Sunday before Lent; Sunday 13th February, Third Sunday before Lent (Intercessions); Sunday 20th February, Second Sunday before Lent; Sunday 27th February, Last before Lent


Sunday 6th March, First Sunday in Lent; Sunday 13th March, Second Sunday in Lent; Sunday 20th March, Third Sunday in Lent; Sunday 27th March, Fourth Sunday in Lent and Mothering Sunday


Sunday 3rd April, Fifth Sunday in Lent; Sunday 10th April, Palm Sunday; Sunday 17th April, Easter Sunday; Sunday 24th April, 2nd Sunday of Easter (Intercessions)


Sunday 1st May, Third Sunday of Easter; Sunday 8th May, Fourth Sunday of Easter; Sunday 15th May, Fifth Sunday of Easter; Tuesday 17th May, A Memorial Service to celebrate and remember the life of Chris Lowry (Order of Service); Sunday 22nd May, Sixth Sunday after Easter; Sunday 29th May, Seventh Sunday after Easter


Sunday 5th June, Pentecost; Sunday 12th June, Trinity Sunday; Sunday 19th June, Trinity 1; Sunday 26th June, Trinity 2


Sunday 3rd July, Trinity 3; Sunday 10th July, Trinity 4; Sunday 17th July, Trinity 5; Sunday 24th July, Trinity 6 (Intercessions); Sunday 31st July, Trinity 7


Sunday 7th August, Trinity 8; Sunday 14th August, Trinity 9; Sunday 21st August, Trinity 10; Sunday 28th August, Trinity 11


Sunday 4th September, Trinity 12; Sunday 11th September, Trinity 13; Sunday 18th September, Trinity 14 (Intercessions); Sunday 25th September, Trinity 15


Sunday 2nd October, Harvest Festival; Sunday 9th October, Trinity 17; Sunday 16th October, Trinity 18 (Intercessions); Sunday 23rd October, Trinity 19); Sunday 30th October (All Saints and All Souls)


Sunday 6th November, Trinity 21 (We apologise for the lack of sound on this week's stream); Sunday 13th November, Remembrance Sunday; Sunday 20th November, Christ the King (Intercessions); Sunday 27th November, Advent Sunday


Sunday 4th December, Advent 2; Sunday 11th December, Advent 3; Sunday 18th December, Advent 4; Carols by Candlelight, 18th December; Sunday 25th December, Christmas Day


Sunday 1st January, Christmas 2 (We apologise for the loss of sound on this stream); Sunday 8th January, Baptism of Christ; Sunday 15th January, Covenant Service; Sunday 22nd January, Epiphany 3; Sunday 29th January, Epiphany 4


Sunday 5th February, Epiphany 5; Sunday 12th February, 2nd Before Lent (Intercessions); Sunday 19th February, Last Before Lent; Sunday 26th February, First Sunday in Lent


Sunday 5th March, Second Sunday in Lent; Sunday 12th March, Third Sunday in Lent; Sunday 19th March, Fourth Sunday in Lent and Mothering Sunday; Sunday 26th March, Fifth Sunday in Lent


Sunday 2nd April, Palm Sunday; Friday 7th April, Good Friday; Sunday 9th April, Easter Sunday; Sunday 16th April, Easter 2; Sunday 23rd April, Easter 3 (Intercessions)


Sunday 7th May, Easter 5; Sunday 14th May, Easter 6; Sunday 21st May, 25th Anniversary Service; Sunday 28th May, Day of Pentecost and Whit Sunday


Sunday 4th June, Trinity Sunday; Sunday 11th June, Trinity 1; Sunday 18th June, Trinity 2 (Intercessions); Sunday 25th June, Trinity 3


Sunday 2nd July, Trinity 4; Sunday 9th July, Trinity 5; Sunday 16th July, Trinity 6; Sunday 23rd July, Trinity 7; Sunday 30th July, Trinity 8


Sunday 6th August, Trinity 9 (Intercessions); Sunday 13th August, Trinity 10; Sunday 20th August, Trinity 11; Sunday 27th August, Trinity 12


Sunday 3rd September, Trinity 13; Sunday 10th September, Trinity 14; Sunday 17th September, Trinity 15; Sunday 24th September, Trinity 16


Sunday 1st October, Trinity 17; Sunday 8th October, Trinity 18 (Intercessions); Sunday 15th October, Trinity 19; Sunday 22nd October, Trinity 20; Sunday 29th October, Trinity 21


Sunday 5th November, All Souls'; Sunday 12th November, Remembrance Sunday; Sunday 19th November, 2nd Before Advent; Sunday 26th November, Last before Advent (Intercessions)


Sunday 3rd December, Advent 1; Sunday 10th December, Advent 2; Sunday 17th December, Advent 3; Carols by Candlelight, Sunday 17th December (Intercessions); Sunday 24th December, Christmas Eve; Monday 25th December, Christmas Day; Sunday 31st December, Christmas 1


Sunday 7th January 2024, Epiphany 1 (Intercessions); Sunday 14th January, Epiphany 2 and Covenant Service; Sunday 21st January, Epiphany 3; Sunday 28th January, Epiphany 4


Sunday 4th February, Second before Lent; Sunday 11th February, Last before Lent; Sunday 18th February, Lent 1; Sunday 25th February, Lent 2


Sunday 3rd March, Lent 3; Sunday 10th March, Lent 4 and Mothering Sunday (Intercessions); Sunday 17th March, Lent 5 - unfortunately there was no sound for this service but you can hear the sermon here; Sunday 24th March, Palm Sunday; Friday 29th March, Good Friday; Sunday 31st March, Easter Sunday


Sunday 7th April, Easter 2; Sunday 14th April, Easter 3; Sunday 21st April, Easter 4; Sunday 28th April, Easter 5 (Intercessions)


Sunday 5th May, Easter 6; Sunday 12th May, Easter 7; Sunday 19th May, Pentecost; Sunday 26th May, Trinity and Wesley Day


Sunday 2nd June, Trinity 1; Sunday 9th June, Trinity 2; Sunday 16th June, Trinity 3 (Intercessions); Sunday 23rd June, Trinity 4; Sunday 30th June, Trinity 5


Sunday 7th July, Trinity 6; Sunday 14th July, Trinity 7; Sunday 21st July, Trinity 8 (Intercessions); Sunday 28th July, Trinity 9


Sunday 4th August, Trinity 10; Sunday 11th August, Trinity 11; Sunday 18th August, Trinity 12 (Intercessions); Sunday 25th August, Trinity 13


Sunday 1st September, Trinity 14; Sunday 8th September, Trinity 15; Sunday 15th September, Trinity 16; Sunday 22nd September, Trinity 17; Sunday 29th September, Trinity 18


Sunday 6th October, Trinity 19 and Harvest Festival (Intercessions); Sunday 13th October, Trinity 20; Sunday 20th October, Trinity 21; Sunday 27th October, Trinity 22


Sunday 3rd November, Trinity 23/4 before Advent; Sunday 10th November, Remembrance Sunday (Intercessions); Sunday 17th November, 2nd before Advent; Sunday 24th November, Last before Advent and Christ the King


Sunday 1st December, Advent 1; Sunday 8th December, Advent 2; Sunday 15th December, Advent 3; Sunday 22nd December, Advent 4; Carols by Candlelight, Sunday 22nd December; All Age Christmas Communion, Christmas Day; Sunday 29th December, Christmas 1



Sunday 5th January, Christmas 2; Sunday 12th January, Epiphany 1 and Covenant Sunday; Sunday 19th January, Epiphany 2 (Intercessions); Sunday 26th January, Epiphany 3


Sunday 2nd February, Candlemas; Sunday 9th February, 4 before Lent; Sunday 16th February, 3 before Lent; Sunday 23rd February, 2 before Lent


Sunday 2nd March, Last before Lent and Church Action on Poverty Sunday; Sunday 9th March, Lent 1; Choral Evensong, Sunday 9th March





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