St Andrew's

Psalter Lane


Regular Services

About our services


Sunday Morning Services

Our 10.30 am Sunday morning services use a variety of formats, including Holy Communion, Morning Worship and All Age services. You can find out what's coming up on the Calendar on this website.

The services are held in church but are also live-streamed for those people who aren't able to join us. The link will be emailed out before the service and will also be available on this website. 

There is usually a service of Holy Communion at 9.15 am on the fourth Sunday of every month, but this may be held on a different Sunday - see the Calendar for details.



Wednesday Morning Communion Service

There is a service of Holy Communion in church at 10.30 am every Wednesday, except during August

The format of the service includes a study passage read by the person who chose it, followed by discussion of the passage.  



New monthly mid-week evening service

We will be holding a monthly evening service of Holy Communion with a time for spiritual reflection. Several people have expressed sadness that they can't get to Wednesday morning worship because they work or have other day time commitments, so we are offering this monthly evening service as an alterative. Forthcoming dates: 28th November, at 7.30 pm in church. After Christmas, we hope to settle on the 2nd Thursday of each month whenever possible. 




Coming up:



Sunday 1st December

First Sunday in Advent


10.30 am    Advent Carol Service with Holy Communion         

                                                                     Revd Naomi Cooke



Almighty God,

as your kingdom dawns,

turn us from the darkness of sin to the

light of holiness,

that we may be ready to meet you

in our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.


Readings  Jeremiah 33:14 -16

                  1 Thessalonians 3:9 -14

                  Luke 21:25-36



Hymns      StF 172 Hills of the north rejoice

                  StF 397 The Spirit lives to set us free

                  StF 169 Come thou long expected Jesus

                  StF 180 O come, O come Emmanuel

                 We wait in hope for hope to come

 StF 228 Hail to the Lord’s anointed


This service will also be live streamed and you can watch it here from 10.30 am.

There is a Junior Church Activity sheet available here.






Sunday 8th December

Second Sunday in Advent


10.30 am    Morning Worship      Chris Sissons




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