St Andrew’s Psalter Lane Church
Management Policy for Volunteers
St Andrew’s Psalter Lane Church welcomes volunteers who help us to bear one another's burdens and so fulfil the law of Christ (Gal 6:2). This is implicit in its mission statement ‘Open Hearts, Open Minds – Exploring the Mystery of God’. A volunteer is somebody undertaking a task on behalf of St Andrew’s Psalter Lane Church without payment. This includes paid employees when they offer their time and skills for additional tasks without payment. These tasks will normally be coordinated by a task organiser who may be an individual or a committee of the Church.
St Andrew’s Psalter Lane Church will promote a variety of volunteering opportunities to the whole congregation by means of weekly notice sheets, posters, word of mouth, ‘blanket’ emails, the church website, and when appropriate, social media. St Andrew’s Psalter Lane Church reserves the right to approach members individually for certain roles where particular gifts, experience and pastoral sensitivities are required. Certain roles, by law, require background checks to take place. For example, those working with children under the age of 18 and vulnerable adults who meet certain criteria are required to apply (through St Andrew’s Psalter Lane Church) for a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check and all these volunteers are required to attend regular Safeguarding training.
Induction and Training
When a volunteer requires particular training and supervision to fulfil a role appropriate induction will be provided. Information provided should include, as appropriate:
· Role description and, where necessary, provision of training for role
· Health and Safety information
· Explanation of expectations of confidentiality
· Process of reporting concerns (including Safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults)
· Electronic communications policy
· Resources/budgets available
· Procedure for claiming expenses
· Frequency of reviews (if appropriate)
This will normally be done by the task organiser. In the case of a paid employee, this organiser may also be the employee's line manager. In such a case, the roles of task organiser and line manager should be kept clearly distinct.
It is recognised that volunteers will occasionally incur expenses. Whenever possible these should be agreed in advance with the task organiser. Examples of refundable expenses include:
· Cost of travel to a course or conference (Standard class rail travel/Use of car @45p per mile/Use of bicycle @ 20p per mile/Use of motorcycle at 24p per mile)
· Materials
Any volunteer claiming expenses should complete and sign an official expense claim form. This should be counter-signed by the task organiser before being presented to the Church Administrator with receipts. All expenses should be claimed within one month of incurring them.
The task organiser will normally be the first port of call for enquiries. Volunteers will be made aware of opportunities for further training and encouraged to participate. If appropriate, there should be a regular opportunity to review the volunteer’s contributions.
We hope that all who volunteer their time and talents find it a rewarding experience and one of growth. However, if problems arise that cannot be resolved easily, advice should be sought from the vicar/minister and/or churchwardens and stewards.
All volunteers are covered by the church insurance policy, provided that they are undertaking activities authorised by the ECC of St Andrew’s Psalter Lane Church. Use of a motor vehicle should be covered by the volunteer’s own motor insurance policy for that vehicle. It is the volunteer’s responsibility to ensure that the vehicle use is covered by the insurance policy.
Due to the pastoral nature of many roles, confidentiality is expected. However, volunteers should also be made aware of the process of reporting concerns.
The Volunteer Management Policy will be reviewed annually. This version agreed and accepted by the ECC, 13th September 2023
The next review is due in September 2024.