The St Andrew's Psalter Lane Church Eco Group is very proud of its Silver Eco Church Award!
The free online survey and supporting resources from A Rocha are designed to equip churches to express their care for God’s world in their worship and teaching; in how they look after their buildings and land; in how they engage with their local community and in global campaigns, and in the personal lifestyles of their congregation.
Theirr vision is for churches of all denominations to care for creation as an integral part of loving their neighbours and following God faithfully.
Click on the image above for more information!
Here at SAPLC, we have held events such as the Carbon Footprint Drop-in and the Greener Summer Holidays events; we hosted the Eco Church Conference in October 2017; we have regular Green Communion services and constantly look for ways to reduce the energy use of our lovely church building. One of our latest plans for a 'greener' way of life is growing vegetables on the land behind the church.
Green News
Action needed please!
Aspire Community Enterprise (Sheffield) Ltd, Recycling centre in Sheffield Aspire, in Parson Cross, use/refurbish/recycle unwanted electronic goods such as phones, laptops etc – giving disadvantaged people opportunities to repair and use them. Located in: SOAR Works Enterprise Centre, Unit 11, SOAR Works, Knutton Rd, Parson Cross, Sheffield S5 9NU, Phone: 0114 285 3788.
“Aspire Community Enterprise (Sheffield) Ltd is a vibrant and energetic social enterprise specialising in computer recycling whose primary objective is to provide a stable job and a supported working environment for vulnerable or marginalised people. We also run a community computer shop for sales and repairs. Our recycling centre is open to the general public."
SYCA News The South Yorkshire Climate Alliance is an alliance of groups each of whom is concerned about some aspect of the climate emergency whether locally or globally.
At the AGM we heard about the Lottery Bid which is being prepared to develop work with hard to reach young people in different parts of South Yorkshire and engage them in combatting climate change. We also put forward suggestions for SYCA's lobbying/campaigning priorities for the coming year.
Don't forget that SYCA organises Climate Vigils in the city centre on a regular basis.
Seven proven ways to help the planet in 2025 Slowing down climate change is an immense task, but small individual actions can add up to help reduce emissions. In 2024, the critical 1.5C threshold was breached for a full year for the first time, highlighting the urgent need to rapidly cut global emissions. Much of the work needed to curb climate change goes beyond the remit of individuals – from scaling up renewable energy to stopping the production of oil, gas and coal. But research shows that individual actions can add up too.
For information on how you can make a meaningful difference, see here.
[With thanks to Bill Atherton for sending this in]
Please sign the petition "Sainsbury's & Tesco: publicly support real action to cut plastic production" Since 2021, major UK supermarkets, including Sainsbury's and Tesco, have been rolling out front-of-store collection points to recycle soft plastic packaging. An investigation revealed that 70% of the tracked soft plastic bundles that reached a final destination is burnt, not recycled. You can read more and sign the petition here.
Traidcraft loo roll
This toilet paper is special because...
*It's made in the UK from 100% recycled paper (no imported bamboo) and it funds tree planting projects to actively restore nature.
*It supports producers around the world - every purchase is fighting for a fairer trade system.
*It includes free delivery straight to your door and extra long rolls for brilliant value.
Subscribe to save: When you subscribe (cancel at any time) - you save 10% (with this discount 36
rolls cost £31.49) and there's no hassle of reordering - it's all done for you.. We want you to get the best deal here so we've created a guide to how often you should order based on household size...
1-2 person household: once every four months
3-4 person household: once every three months
5-7 person household: once every two months
Business, church or big household: once a month
So in a world of worry, let this toilet roll be one less thing on your mind - and more than that - let it be a joy. When you switch to Traidcraft loo roll, you are are using the power of your everyday purchases to make the world a better place.
You can place your order here.
Statement in response to the Prime Minister's Announcement on Net Zero Policies:
A joint statement by The Baptist Union of Great Britain, The Methodist Church,
The United Reformed Church
We are dismayed that the Prime Minister is delaying the implementation of policies to achieve net zero. As Christian leaders we are deeply committed to encouraging all within hour our sphere of influence to be ambitious in reaching net zero as we seek to care for God’s creation. This transition must be rapid, equitable and just. At a time when so many people are struggling financially, the government has a crucial role to play in ensuring the cost of transition to net zero does not fall most heavily on those least able to afford it. Delaying measures to insulate homes will have the opposite effect, slowing efforts to reduce fossil fuel use will increase climate impacts on vulnerable communities around the globe Please click here to read the full article
Triodos Bank This link takes you to a page which has links in it to other pages with interesting ideas.
BBC features sustainability in Sheffield Sheffield’s Outdoor City, Food Works and Regather have all featured in a short film about sustainability in Sheffield. The short film was shown on the BBC during the Snooker World Championship 2023 and showcased some fantastic sustainability initiatives across the city. Watch it here.
Soil Association Sustainable Living Guide The Soil Association has put together a Sustainable Living Guide to help people restore nature, health and a safe climate from the ground up. Whether you're looking for small changes you can make at home or advice on bigger changes you can make in your life, they've got you covered!
The FREE digital guide is packed with top tips and expert advice from the Soil Association and our partners. You can download it here.
Concerned about the Climate and Nature Emergency? Why not join the South Yorkshire Climate Alliance Sheffield Climate Vigil? Come and join in a silent 1 hour vigil twice a month:
First Thursday of every month 5pm to 6pm at top of Howard Street (opposite Millennium Gallery and near the Globe Pub).
Third Monday of every month 12pm to 1 pm outside Town Hall (by the main steps) There is a Facebook page called Sheffield Climate Vigil for information or you can message the Climate Alliance from there.
Everyone welcome
From Pat Rogers:
The Bare Alternative Shop no longer takes materials for recycling because they just don’t have enough space for storage. However the good news is that Sainsbury’s at Archer Road is now recycling soft plastics which includes all sorts of wrappers from sweets, biscuits, crisps, pet food pouches etc. (Their website has more details) The bin for depositing items is in the entrance hall near the bin for recycling plastic bags.
I think it’s great that Sainsbury’s is doing this but I’m disappointed that they keep so quiet about it!
Thank you, Pat!
Soft plastic recycling Further to the message from Pat Rogers - Sainsbury’s, Tesco and Waitrose are now all collecting soft plastics to send for recycling.
Recycling Information The website is very useful in providing information about where one can recycle all sorts of items, including obscure things like blister packs. Thanks to Pat Rogers for passing this on.
Old electricals? What you can do:
Discarded electricals are one of the fastest growing sources of waste – and a big threat to the environment and human health. Recycling old electricals is better for the planet and your pocket. It means more jobs and saving precious resources. From your home to your recycling centre to brand new products – the precious materials in old electricals get a new lease of life. Anything with a plug, battery or cable can be recycled – and most of the materials in them can be made into new products. To find your nearest recycling centres go to
The nearest recycling centres to SAPLC are at Currys PC World, Heeley; B&Q, Queens Road and O2, 54/56 Fargate.
Eco Resources
Introducing: South Yorkshire Climate Alliance! We are rebranding from Sheffield Climate Alliance to South Yorkshire Climate Alliance, emphasising the importance of uniting communities across the region in climate action ahead of COP26. It has never been more crucial to act as an alliance in tackling the climate emergency, especially in putting pressure on the government and our local councils to take action. We are an alliance of local organisations working together on climate action. We bring together not only environmental groups, but media organisations, community groups, businesses and more. Our rebrand reflects their existing partnerships with over 60 organisations, with connections in Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham and Sheffield.
Sheffield Climate Alliance was formed over 10 years ago by a group of citizens concerned about the lack of action on the climate emergency. Now, we are well established in lobbying for local climate action and engaging with communities in creative ways. In 2020, we were awarded a development grant of nearly £200,000 by the National Lottery’s Community Fund to carry out a climate action project, which is now called Can Do South Yorkshire.
We're so excited to continue to campaign for climate action, and we look forward to expanding our reach across South Yorkshire even further. Watch our new video to find out more about what we do. Thanks for all your support!
Green videos
Do I love you when I burn my carbon? by Tim Baker of All We Can. Find out more about their response to the climate emergency here.
Pilgrimage to Net Zero with A Rocha CEO, Andy Atkins
Why should Christians care for the environment? Why all Christians have a vocation to care for the earth by Revd Dr. Mike Perry
The Nations' Climate Sunday Service from Glasgow Cathedral on 5th September 2021
Song of the Prophets: A requiem for the climate by Christian Aid and Chineke!
Eco Tip
We all want to care for the planet, but can’t do everything at once. Here is the next in a series of tips to think about. Some can be done today, some this month, and some will not be for you. But remember - everyone can do something!
Give up buying plastic water bottles - producing just one plastic bottle of water - including transporting and refrigerating it – requires 2,000 times as much energy as producing the same amount of tap water. It also creates massive amounts of plastic waste. Save money and keep plastic out of landfills and oceans by carrying a reusable bottle instead
For more practical ways to enjoy, nurture and defend nature, sign up to A Rocha UK’s Wild Christian email:
During lockdown, the Eco Group discussed what the world would look like after the pandemic, and what we would like it to look like; we discussed how we could influence the world to improve and how we could help to create a greener, fairer ‘New Normal’. This is the ‘manifesto’ that we have drawn up as a result of this discussion: it is intended to be a statement of our beliefs about the issues of climate change and pollution, a tool for lobbying those in power – we will be sending a copy to local MP Paul Blomfield, for example – and a basis for discussion with other people and groups who are involved in making change happen.
‘This is what St Andrew’s Psalter Lane Church Eco Group, together with the many other groups that form part of our church life, would like to see happening in the future; these are what we consider to be the important issues facing the world as we come out of the pandemic. We believe these issues should be part of government policy and implemented at national and local level, and we believe in lobbying national government on these issues:
We believe that we have been entrusted with the care of the Earth, which is God’s creation, and that we should live fairly and gently upon it as an expression of our Christian faith.
We believe that everyone has the responsibility and ability to make small changes which can make a big difference.
We believe that there should be affordable and effective public transport solutions as alternatives to personal car use.
We believe that electric bicycles and tricycles should be more widely available, that there should be a coherent scheme for funding them, and that cycle paths for using them should be more common.
We believe that for those people whose journey requires a car, those cars should be powered either by electricity or by renewable power such as hydrogen.
We believe that renewable sources of energy must become the norm.
We believe that more ‘green’ jobs should be available, for example making electric bicycles, building wind turbines, insulating houses, harvesting crops etc.
We believe that school- and university-leavers should be able to enter this sort of job as the ‘traditional’ job market shrinks due to the pandemic.
We believe that it is important to support local traders, suppliers and manufacturers.’
We would like everyone in the congregation to sign the manifesto - if you would like your name to be added to the list of signatories, please email
Developing Expressions of Green Church
Revd Philip Bill, Convenor for JPIT Yorkshire, would like to create a small group of people to scope out and develop expressions of Green Church across the region. This will take ecological issues as more than simply matters of social justice alongside others. It will embed ecological theology at the heart of new worshipping communities which create space for people to transition into the new patterns of life that a committed approach to climate change requires. At heart, this is an evangelical enterprise which treats climate change as the most significant context in which we now tell the gospel story. (JPIT Yorkshire will also be arranging a conference for the Summer of 2021 to explore the idea of Green Church further.)
If you are interested in being part of this pioneering group, please email Revd Philip Bee, Convenor for JPIT Yorkshire on