St Andrew's

Psalter Lane


Children and Families

SAPLC Children.

Welcome to SAPLC Children, the Children and Family pages for St Andrews Psalter Lane Church. 

We welcome children to join with the whole church family for our All Age services  - filled with prayers and activities, music and quiet times, these services are for everyone. Check the Services page or the Calendar to see what's coming up. The next All Age services are on 30th March and 25th May.

We also hold Junior Church groups during our other 10.30 am Sunday services - the children can go out after the first hymn, with a parent or carer if they want, for some fun activities! 

There is also an activity sheet available online every week, if you aren't able to join us - here are the most recent ones:


Sunday 5th January - A promise made real

Sunday 12th January - Meeting in the waters

Sunday 19th January - Unexpected abundance

Sunday 26th January - Good news for everybody

Sunday 2nd February - Tough love

Sunday 9th February - Whom shall I send?

Sunday 16th February - Growing deep roots



You can find more activity sheets here.


Here at SAPLC Children we are committed to working in the wider Sheffield Community, irrespective of religious beliefs, as we believe it is possible to have a cohesive community, where: there is a common vision and a sense of belonging for all communities.


The diversity of people's different backgrounds and circumstances is appreciated and positively valued here.

We hope the church can be of service to all Families within the Parish and surrounding areas and we hope there is something on our weekly timetable which will be of interest to you. Our Junior Church is designed for children aged 3 - 10 and is held during the main 10.30 am service on the Sundays when we are not holding All Age Worship (children between 2 and 3 can join in with a parent or carer). 

SAPLC Children aims to cater for babies to teens and hopes to be of service to parents and caregivers alike on the journey you are undertaking in raising your children.

Child protection and safeguarding are subjects we take very seriously, and we follow guidelines set out by both the Diocese of Sheffield and the Sheffield Methodist District - see here.





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