St Andrew's

Psalter Lane


Money Handling Policy

St Andrew’s Psalter Lane Church

Money Handling Policy


  1. Introduction

The Ecumenical Church Council (ECC) of St Andrew’s Psalter Lane Church (SAPLC) is responsible for an annual turnover of approximately £200,000

The ECC therefore considers it appropriate to adopt a formal policy so that is clear how cash, cheques and electronic payments are dealt with.


  1. Collections of cash at services and events, including retiring collections, separate collections and refreshments after non-service events
  1. Money collected at services and events should be collected by two responsible adults in the presence of each other (the ‘Cash Counters’), one of whom must be the Warden or Steward on duty for that service. The Cash Counters must not be of the same family as each other.
  2. That count must take place before the money leaves the church premises and as soon as practicable.
  3. The result of that count must be recorded on the Donations Record Sheet (attached at the end of this Policy) and signed by the Cash Counters. The number of unopened, filled envelopes must also be recorded.
  4. The money and envelopes, along with the Donations Record Sheet, must be placed in the Church Office safe by the Warden or Steward on duty immediately following the service or event.
  5. At least once per month, the Office Administrator must open the envelopes and record the amount therein on the Donations Record Sheet for the relevant week.
  6. The weekly sheets must then be recorded on a banking sheet along with any cheques received.
  7. The banking sheet must then be totalled and the cash and cheques taken to our bank to be banked.



  1. Contactless giving

According to the Fundraising Regulator’s code of conduct, the total donation amount must be recorded as income, and the charges recorded in the accounts as ‘expenditure’ (in ‘bank fees and charges’ section). A monthly summary of donations and charges will be supplied to the Church Office.



  1. Cheques

Cheques require 2 signatories, but are very rare nowadays and we prefer to make payments by BACS. The signatories will be authorised by the ECC.


  1. Electronic payments (i.e. BACS)

Electronic payments require two people to authorise, one of whom is the Office Administrator. Anyone authorising payments must be notified of the reason for the payment, and who has authorised that it is to be made, before it is paid.


  1. Cash collected for refreshments
    1. Cash collected for refreshments following services is currently handled separately to other cash collections.
    2. After the serving of refreshments is completed, the volunteers in the kitchen must count the total amount collected.
    3. This amount must be recorded in the book that is kept in the tea and coffee cupboard, and the cash is to be stored in this cupboard, which must be locked when not in use.
    4. When a large amount of cash has built up, this is taken home by the person responsible for the cash collected for refreshments (currently Rodney and Marilyn Godber) and used to purchase supplies for refreshments and to replace/repair equipment in the kitchen. A note should be made in the book that the cash has been taken.




  1. Review

The Money Handling Policy will be reviewed annually. The next review is due in February 2026.

This version agreed and accepted by the Ecumenical Church Committee, 18th February 2025.




Donations Record Sheet


St Andrew’s Psalter Lane Church






Loose cash:


















Cash counted by:


Witnessed by:




      Number of envelopes


      Value of contents




      Number of cheques


      Value of cheques


Grand total to be banked





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