St Andrew's

Psalter Lane


Health and Safety Policy

 St Andrew’s Psalter Lane Church

Health and Safety Policy and Procedures







  1. Health and Safety Policy Statement


              2.  Organisation for Safety

    1. Ecumenical Church Council
    2. Safety Officer
    3. Employees, Casual Workers and Voluntary Helpers


              3.  Arrangements for Safety

                             3.1        Training

                             3.2        Safe Systems of Work

                                           3.2.1     Manual Handling

                                           3.2.2     Working at Heights

                                           3.2.3     Food Safety and Hygiene

                                           3.2.4     Hazardous Substances

                                           3.2.5     Safety of Plant and Machinery

                                           3.2.6     Electrical Safety

                                           3.2.7     Risk Assessments

                                           3.2.8     Lone Working Guidelines

                                           3.2.9     Working in a Pandemic


              4.  Safety in Places of Work and Worship

                             4.1        Plant and Equipment Inspections

                             4.2        Safety Inspections of Buildings and Grounds

                             4.3        Fire Safety Risk Assessments

                             4.4        Fire Emergency Plans


              5.  Special Events

                             5.1        Risk Assessments


              6.  Communications

                             6.1        Meetings

                             6.2        Contractors


              7.  Medical and Welfare

                             7.1        First Aid Arrangements

                             7.2        First Aid Boxes

                             7.3        Injuries

                             7.4        Defibrillator


              8.  Record Keeping

                             8.1        Accident Recording

                             8.2        Accident and Dangerous Occurrences

                             8.3        Control of Substances Hazardous to Health

                             8.4        Risk Assessments

                             8.5        Equipment Inspections


              9.  Hire of Church Buildings

                            9.1        Hire of Church and Shirley House


              10.  Accident Reports and Investigations

                             10.1      Accident Reports

                             10.2      Accident Investigation


              11.  Security

                             11.1      Unlocking and locking the Church

                             11.2      Security of Keys

                             11.3      Reporting Incidents


              12.  Review                    



                            I             Risk Assessment Form

                             II            Hazard Control Form

                             IIIA        Fire Emergency Plan - Shirley House

                             IIIB        Fire Emergency Plan - Church

                             IV          Fire Risk Assessment Recording Form

                             V            Allergen Guidance and Forms

























Many accidents and injuries can be prevented if proper thought is given to the risks involved in an activity and the necessary precautions taken.


The purpose of this health and safety policy is to set out the commitment of the Ecumenical Church Council (ECC) to safety and the organisation and arrangements for identifying and dealing with risks.


This document details the ECC’s commitment to health and safety by:


a) the statement of the ECC’s general policy with regard to health and safety


b) the organisation for implementing the policy including the responsibilities of individuals


c) the arrangements for carrying out these responsibilities and monitoring the effect of the safety policy


d) recording safety performance, investigating accidents and incidents and reporting action taken to improve safety



The policy is signed by the Chair of Ecumenical Church Council on behalf of the Council whose corporate responsibility is to ensure implementation and monitoring of the safety policy.



























1.           Health and Safety Policy Statement



It is the policy of the ECC, so far as is reasonably practical, to provide and maintain safe and healthy conditions, equipment and systems of work for all its employees, casual workers and voluntary helpers, and to provide such information, training and supervision as they need for this purpose.


The ECC will also endeavour to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of all members of the congregation, contractors and others who may visit the church, grounds and associated buildings.


The allocation of duties for safety matters and the particular arrangements which are made to implement this policy are set out below.


The ECC will ensure that the policy is kept up to date, particularly with respect to any changes to the buildings or activities. Also, to ensure that this policy and the way it has operated will be reviewed regularly (at least once a year) and the appropriate changes made.


In order to ensure that health and safety matters are kept constantly under review, health and safety will be an agenda item for routine meetings of the ECC, and its employees and voluntary workers will be consulted on a regular basis in order to seek their views on health and safety matters.



Signed:… ………………………………Anna Calvert…………………………..

Chair of the Ecumenical Church Council



Date:…                         …………24th July 2024………………………….


















2.           Organisation for Safety


The ECC recognises the need to identify organisational methods for implementing and controlling the health and safety of all persons who work within the church.


A summary of the individual health and safety responsibilities and hence the organisation is as follows:-


2.1        Ecumenical Church Council


The Stewards, Churchwardens and Ecumenical Church Council have a general responsibility to ensure that the health and safety policy is fully implemented by:


  • ensuring that the Health and Safety Policy is issued, regularly reviewed and updated as necessary;
  • ensuring that the organisation for health and safety is established and maintained;
  • ensuring the arrangements for safety are suitable and sufficient to avoid injury;
  • ensuring that the policy and procedures are communicated to those individuals who need the information;
  • ensuring that health and safety is discussed at meetings;
  • ensuring that individuals affected by the policy are consulted on health and safety matters.



2.2        Health and Safety Officer (Responsible Person)


The Health and Safety Officer has the responsibility to:


  • be familiar with Health and Safety Regulations so far as they concern the church premises and activities;
  • be familiar with the church’s health and safety policy and arrangements and to ensure they are observed;
  • ensure so far as is reasonably practicable, that safe systems of work are in place;
  • ensure that safety equipment and clothing is provided and used by all personnel where this is required;
  • ensure that all plant, equipment and tools are properly maintained and in good condition and that all operators have received appropriate training;
  • ensure that adequate access and egress is maintained;
  • ensure adequate fire fighting equipment is available, maintained and in position.



2.3        Employees, Casual Workers and Voluntary Helpers


All employees, casual workers and voluntary helpers have a responsibility to co-operate in the implementation of this health and safety policy and to take reasonable care of themselves and others who may be affected by their actions whilst on church premises or involved in church activities.


Employees, casual workers and voluntary helpers therefore have a responsibility to:-


  • comply with health and safety rules, operating instructions and working procedures;
  • use protective clothing and equipment when it is required;
  • report any fault or defect in equipment immediately to the responsible person;
  • report all accidents, injuries, near misses or other potential safety hazards as soon as possible;
  • not misuse anything provided in the interests of health and safety.





3.           Arrangements for Safety


3.1        Training


Training in health and safety matters shall be provided to ensure the competence of persons to adequately discharge their responsibilities and statutory requirements and which may include knowledge of regulations, safety procedures, systems of work, general safety awareness training etc.


Details of all training, formal or informal, shall be recorded.


Further training shall be provided if an individual’s responsibilities change or on the introduction of new equipment or changed systems of work.   


Refresher training shall be provided to ensure knowledge and understanding and if highlighted as a result of accidents, incidents, risk assessments etc.



3.2        Safe Systems of Work


Procedures for potentially hazardous work should consider the following:-


  • who is in charge of the work?
  • do the responsibilities overlap with anyone else?
  • is there anything which is not someone's responsibility?
  • has anyone checked that the equipment is right for the work?
  • are there safer ways of doing the work?
  • could this work interfere with the health and safety of others?
  • have people been trained and instructed in the use and limitations of equipment?
  • what might go wrong in an emergency; is a procedure required?





              3.2.1     Manual Handling


              Manual handling operations are required to some extent in many church activities and it is not reasonable to avoid them but most do not involve significant risk. Significant manual handling operations are required as part of the caretaking duties. 


              Where there is a possibility of injury under the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 you must:


  • avoid manual handling if a safer way is practical;
  • avoid handling where there is a risk of injury;
  • assess the risk of injury from any hazardous manual handling that cannot be avoided;
  • reduce the risk of injury from any hazardous manual handling.



              When lifting:


  • plan the lift, get help, make sure area free from obstruction;
  • look for splinters and jagged edges;
  • place the feet apart, leading leg forward;
  • keep back straight and chin in;
  • get a firm grip, keep arms inside the boundary formed by the legs;
  • bend the knees and lift by straightening the legs;
  • don't jerk;
  • move the feet, don't twist the body;
  • keep close to the load.
  • put the load down, then adjust.


              Do not attempt to lift or move anything you consider too heavy or awkward.

              Use the trolley provided for the movement of chairs etc.

Special care is to be exercised where children are involved with the moving of heavy or awkward objects e.g. furniture, display boards, staging etc.



              3.2.2 Working at Heights


              Falls from heights are the largest cause of serious injury. Falls from heights above 2 metres can be fatal. Most accidents involve falls that could have been prevented if the right equipment had been properly used.


              Only approved contractors and competent volunteers may work at high levels (above 2 metres) subject to the necessary safety precautions being taken.





              Working On Ladders.


              Ladders are only suitable for light work and you must ensure that:


  • ladders are inspected before use to ensure they are sound and strong enough for the purpose with no splits, warping, damage, missing or badly worn rungs;
  • ladders have a firm footing and if more than 3 metres long, be secured top or bottom or ‘footed’ by another person;
  • maximum height reached by ladder is 9 metres;
  • ladders used for access to a higher level or platform extend 1.06 metres (5 rungs) above the landing;
  • top of a ladder rests against a solid surface avoiding plastic guttering etc.;
  • ladders are placed at a safe angle of 75o or ‘one out and four up’;
  • only one person stands on a ladder at one time and when climbing up or down a ladder, both hands are needed;
  • metal ladders are not used near electrical equipment;
  • materials and equipment are hoisted or passed up/down




              Working on Step Ladders


Step ladders provide a free-standing means of access up to 3 metres working height, but they require careful use. They are not designed for any degree of side loading and are relatively easily overturned. Avoid over-reaching. Workers have been killed getting down from workplaces, such as loft spaces, when they have stepped onto the top step of a step-ladder which has then overturned.  Step ladders are not designed to gain access to a higher place of work.


Step-ladders are covered by the same regulations as ladders regarding their construction and materials. Step ladders must be suitable for the purpose. ‘Domestic’ steps are not strong enough for trade or construction use. 


You must ensure that:

  • step ladders are always inspected before use that they are sound and have no defects
  • anti-spread devices, cords, clips brackets and stays are intact and working properly
  • folding mechanisms, hinges, pins, screws and rivets etc. are not loose and worn
  • step-ladders are always spread to their fullest extent and all four styles are on firm, level ground
  • there is a secure handhold 1.06 metres above the level reached by your feet
  • step ladders are placed at right angles to the work to avoid twisting your body and so that your body stays within the base area of the step-ladders.
  • when using step ladders, knees should be either below or level with the top step (unless platform steps are being used).




              3.2.3     Food Safety and Hygiene


              The appropriate regulations, for example The Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013, governing the preparation and storage of foodstuffs should apply to all situations whether it is on a routine basis preparing daily meals or at an annual fund-raising event. Any hot food served from the kitchen, for example the soup at a Soup and Puddings lunch, must have been prepared in situ, by trained volunteers.


              Food hazard analysis, similar to risk assessments, should be undertaken to ensure that adequate controls are in place for the storage and preparation of food. Hazards may be from bacteria, chemicals or physical problems such as broken glass in food. Hazards may also include allergens in food and adequate controls must be in place to protect consumers and prevent cross-contamination (See Appendix V)


              Suitable protective clothing, like aprons, should be worn in food preparation areas.


              The temperature of equipment used to store food should be checked. Refrigerators must be set so that high-risk foods are kept below 8 degrees Celsius. Freezers should be below -18 degrees Celsius. Guidelines and relevant forms are provided in the ‘Safer food, Better Business’ pack which is available in the kitchen.


              Before any food preparation commences, all surfaces coming into contact with food must be washed down and disinfected using food-safe chemicals.


              Rubbish must be removed from the kitchen regularly. Only small food containers should be used in the kitchen and these need to have a close fitting lid and be easily cleaned.


              All food handlers must be trained to a level that is appropriate to the work that they do.


              It is a requirement to register with the Environmental Health Department when food is being handled for five or more days in any five consecutive week period.


              Potential allergens must be listed for all food being served.



              3.2.4     Hazardous Substances


              The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002 lay down the requirements for the control of exposure to hazardous substances in order to protect people exposed to them. There are also regulations covering the supply of information on hazardous materials, the Chemical Hazard Information and Packaging Regulations (CHIP). The contents and hazards of products must be indicated on the package or label. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) must also be provided.


              Where possible, the use of hazardous substances should be eliminated.


              Where this is not possible hazardous substance should be:


  • only used by persons with the appropriate experience;
  • only used by persons wearing the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment;
  • locked away when not in use;
  • not mixed with other chemicals.



              3.2.5     Safety of Plant and Machinery


              The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 requires that equipment used for work shall be suitable for the purpose, maintained in efficient working order, and only used for the purpose for which it is intended.


              Where there are specific risks to health or safety, the use of equipment will be restricted to those given the task of using it. Also repairs, modifications, maintenance and servicing will only be carried out by those authorised to do so.


              Users of plant and machinery must:


  • not operate plant and machinery that they are not trained and authorised to use;
  • not ride on any parts of machinery not intended for that use;
  • switch off machinery before making any adjustments;
  • after carrying out maintenance and adjustments, replace all guards before use;
  • before use, check to ensure it is in safe working condition, correctly adjusted, nothing is missing and there are no defects.


              The appropriate Personal Protective Equipment must be worn when operating any item of plant and equipment.


              Persons under the age of 18 years may use hand tools only and are not permitted to operate any power driven plant or equipment.


              Any defect or damage found to any item of plant or machinery must be reported to the Responsible Person.


              All plant and machinery will be regularly maintained and a schedule kept of maintenance requirements.



              3.2.6     Electrical Safety


              The church buildings are fitted with electrical safety devices (MCB’s) to protect electrical circuits and equipment and to avoid the risk of fire and injury, but rules for electrical safety must be followed at all times.


              All portable electrical appliances shall be inspected and tested at regular intervals by a competent electrician.


              The fixed electrical system will be inspected every five years by a competent contractor in accordance with NICEIC requirements and any necessary remedial work carried out.


              The church’s lightning conductor should be examined and tested by a competent person at intervals of not more than five years .


              The misuse of electricity is a significant cause of fires and injury. Faulty electrical equipment can kill.


              Users of any electrical portable appliance must:


  • visually check the plug, flex and equipment for signs of damage;
  • report all faults immediately to the responsible person;
  • not attempt to use or repair faulty equipment;
  • switch off and disconnect any appliance when not in use for long periods;
  • position and protect flexible cables so that they do not cause a tripping hazard or be mechanically damaged.



              3.2.7     Risk Assessment


              It is a requirement of The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 that a suitable and sufficient assessment of risks be made to persons and any others who may be affected by an activity (cleaning gutters, washing floors, cleaning windows, decorating, grass cutting etc.) and to record those findings. The objective of the assessment is to identify the 'hazards' (potential to cause harm) and the 'risk' (likelihood to cause harm).



              A risk assessment takes place in five clearly defined stages:


  1. look for hazards created by the activity or situation;
  2. decide who might be harmed;
  3. evaluate the risk and decide whether existing precautions are adequate or more needs to done;
  4. Record the findings;
  5. Review the assessment and revise if necessary.



              Evaluation of the risk


              Using the first part of the Risk Assessment Form (See Appendix 1), list the different operations to be carried out when undertaking the activity and any potential hazards to those involved or affected by the activity. Having determined the potential to cause harm, it is necessary to assess the severity of risk or likelihood of injury being realised. This is done by assessing the severity of the hazard and the probability of its occurrence.


              The severity is ranked as follows:-

              1 - Negligible, probably would not affect safety or health

              2 - Marginal, may cause minor injury or illness

              3 - Critical, may cause major injury or illness

              4 - Catastrophic, may cause death.     


              The likelihood of injury is ranked as follows:-

              1 - Improbable, unlikely to occur

              2 - Remote, may occur in time

              3 - Possible, probably will occur in time

              4 - Likely to occur immediately or in a very short space of time.


              The overall level of risk is determined by the product of (severity x likelihood of injury)  as shown on the chart below.



Level of Risk



Likelihood of Injury




























              Using the Hazard Control Form (See Appendix II) describe how the hazard will be eliminated or controlled to prevent injury or harm to those involved or affected by the activity. To achieve satisfactory control of hazards the level of risk must be reduced to ‘Low’.


              A typical hierarchy of control, form high risk to low risk, is as follows:


              1. Eliminate the risk completely;

              2. Substitution by something less hazardous;

              3. Enclosure of the risk in such a way that access is prevented;

              4. Guarding or the installation of safety devices to prevent access;

              5. Safe systems of work that reduce the risk to an acceptable level;

              6. Written procedures that are known and understood;

              7. Adequate supervision;

              8. Training of personnel to appreciate the hazards and risks;

              9. Information, warning signs and/or notices;

              10. Personal Protective Equipment.


              Any recommended action to avoid danger should be recorded and communicated to those affected.


              3.2.8     Lone Working Guidelines


              Lone working can be defined as any activity where there is no other person present who could take action in the event of an accident to the individual (lone worker) or an incident involving the behaviour of another person that threatens the safety or integrity of the lone worker.


              Examples of lone working include the following:


  • Working alone from ladders or step ladders, or any other activity where there is the possibility of serious injury from falling and no immediate assistance is present
  • Working or going into a building alone where there is a possibility the individual may not be found in the event of serious illness or assault
  • Home visits where there is a possibility of assault or an accusation of wrongful behaviour against the lone worker
  • Handling large amounts of cash that may attract robbery and violence.


              The law does not prohibit lone working generally except where there are some types of work which require supervision, e.g. where young people are undergoing training, where work on live electrical equipment is being performed, or under the Construction (Health, Safety & Welfare) Regulations. The following guidelines are to assess the risk of lone working.



              Lone Working Check lists


              In the Workplace:

  • Does the workplace/work present a special hazard?
  • Is the access to and exit from the workplace safe?
  • Is the lighting and ventilation sufficient?
  • Will other adjacent activities present a risk?
  • Is the correct equipment available to do the job safely?
  • Is the equipment safe and regularly maintained?
  • What are the risks in the event of equipment failure?
  • Can substances and goods be handled safely?
  • Is PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) required to be worn?
  • Is training or instruction required to do the task properly?
  • Is a certain level of physical fitness required?
  • Is cash being handled where there is a risk of violence?
  • What is the appropriate level of supervision required for the task?
  • What first aid provision is required?
  • How will communication be achieved?
  • What are the arrangements in the event of an emergency?
  • When working alone in the church, it is advised that you lock yourself in.




              For Individuals:

  • Lock yourself into the building
  • Make sure someone knows where you are and arrange a contact system so that you can tell someone where you are and when you are leaving
  • Do not do anything which might put you in danger; report any dangerous incident or situation and ask for advice
  • Do not cut corners or rush work, set yourself a reasonable target and work towards it
  • If you start to feel tired either stop for a break or go home after letting your contact know you have left the workplace
  • Make sure you know and follow the relevant safe working procedure and/or guidelines
  • If you do not understand something, leave it until someone is around to help you
  • If you get injured, try to stay calm and if you need assistance contact your pre-arranged help or call the 999 emergency services



              For Home Visits and Meeting the Public:

  • Have you been trained in strategies for the prevention of violence?
  • Have you been made aware of attitudes, traits and mannerisms that can annoy other people?
  • Have you been given all available information about what to expect?
  • Do you know about the person you are to visit, their condition and situation?
  • Have you left an itinerary?
  • Have you made plans to keep in contact with someone?
  • Do you have the means of contacting help and their telephone number?



              For Reducing Risks:

  • Greet strangers politely and with eye contact
  • Be aware of body language, signs of anger, tension, stress and adopting an aggressive stance
  • Avoid invading a stranger’s personal space or touching them
  • Your voice is the best defence if attacked – shout a positive command or shout loudly to “Stop”
  • Have a mobile phone for emergencies but keep it secure and out of sight, or check access to the telephone (located by fire escape at bottom of stairs to Choir Vestry) and that it is working
  • Trust your intuition, if a situation feels unsafe or makes you uneasy, use a plausible excuse and get out. Consider taking someone else with you.




              3.2.9     Working in a Pandemic


              In the event of a pandemic or similar local, national or international situation that may necessitate the introduction of working guidelines by the Government or by church authorities, these shall be followed as they apply from time to time.


4.           Safety in Places of Work and Worship


              Health and Safety Inspections


              The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992, which cover the working environment, safety facilities and housekeeping of church buildings are intended to ensure the suitability and sufficiency of the structural stability, electrical installation, emergency routes, fire precautions, ventilation, temperature, lighting, washing facilities, window cleaning and maintenance etc.


4.1.       Plant and Equipment Inspections


The following maintenance, inspection and testing frequencies are recommend/required to meet these requirements.


              Heating System

              Gas Central Heating Full Service                                                       -                  Annually


              Gas Appliances

              Clean and recalibrate as appropriate                                             -              Annually


              Electrical Installation

              Full Installation Test                                                                             -              5 Yearly


              Portable Appliance Testing

              All electrical appliances                                                                       -              Annually


              Emergency Lighting

              Full test all zones                                                                                  -              Annually

              One hour discharge test                                                                     -              Quarterly


              Plumbing, Hot/Cold Water Systems  

              Check leaks and temperature devices               -             Annually


              Fire Protection

              Fire Alarm Test                                                                                      -              Bi-annually

              Fire Extinguishers                                                                                 -              Annually


              Waste System, Sewage

              Check manholes, sanitary ware and waste pipes                        -              Annually




Procedure for Inspection and Testing


Only approved and competent contractors are to be used for inspection work.


Contractors are required to provide proof of training and certification appropriate to the tests being carried out.


The results of all inspections and any remedial action will be recorded.


All equipment tested should be labelled by the person undertaking the test and dated.


Any electrical equipment or gas appliance that fails inspection/testing will be marked "UNSAFE - DO NOT USE" and taken out of service until repaired.          


4.2        Buildings and Grounds Inspections


The following building and grounds inspections should be carried out, recorded and recommendations made for corrective action:



              Visual inspection of floors, glazing, stonework,

              roof, gutters/fall pipes etc.                                                                 -              Annually


              External Areas

              Visual inspection of paving, gardens, walls fences

              drainage, lighting and signs.                                                              -              Annually



The following checklist is a guide as to what kind of hazards to look for:

  • Do floors, stairs and aisles have a smooth, non-slip surface, uncluttered and free from obstructions?
  • Are treads on stairs and steps worn?
  • Are buildings well maintained with no loose boards or bricks etc. that may injure people?
  • Is there sufficient lighting on stairs and steps and is external lighting adequate and in working order?
  • Are carpets and rugs fitted correctly to prevent trips?
  • Are handrails or banisters sound and free from splinters etc?
  • Are fire exit routes and doors free from obstruction?
  • Are all entrances and exits from car parks safe for pedestrian and traffic?
  • Is the storage of flammable and toxic substances in accordance with relevant regulations?
  •  Are the grounds well kept, grass mown etc.?




    1.      Fire  Safety Risk Assessments


The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety ) Order 2005 require churches/places of worship to carry out a fire risk assessment and to have certain fire precaution measures in place. The most important fire precautions that should be considered include:


  • Fire alarm. Any person in serious and immediate danger must be informed of the fire
  • Fire detectors. Automatic detectors are recommended for use in building with more than one floor  or a large number of people;
  • Fire extinguishers. All buildings must have them to maintain exits during evacuation and control small fires;
  • Fire exits. Sufficient for number of people leading directly to safety. Clearly marked including ‘moving person’ symbol;
  • Emergency lighting. Required in the event of power failure;
  • System maintained. Including record of tests, maintenance and servicing;
  • Fire procedures. Outlining persons responsibility including what to do in an evacuation.
  • Fire risk assessments must be carried out in order to determine what precautions are required. A fire risk assessment should:-


  1. Identify fire hazards including sources of ignition, fuel and oxygen
  2. Identify people at risk including people in and around the premises and people who are especially at risk
  3. Evaluate, remove or reduce, and protect from the risk of fire including the risk of a fire starting, the risk to people from fire, reducing fire hazards and risks to people and providing fire precautions
  4. Record the findings of the assessment, plan corrective action to be taken, inform and instruct relevant people and provide necessary training
  5. Be reviewed regularly and changes made where necessary.



    1.      Fire Emergency Plans


Fire precautions and evacuation procedure are required for all buildings including Church and Shirley House. The emergency plan must be:


  • Posted in a prominent position
  • Communicated to relevant individuals
  • Practised regularly to ensure effectiveness
  • Reviewed regularly and as a result of any changes


See Fire Emergency Plans (Appendix III) for details of the plans





5.           Special Events



5.1        Risk Assessments


Risk Assessments (see Section 3.2.7) are to be carried out for regular events including such as the Christingle Service and Garden Party (barbeques, bouncy castles, etc.).


Procedures for the health and safety of such events should be included as appendices to this document.


Risk Assessments for special or one-off events such as Flower Festivals, Excursions etc. should be carried out by the organisers. All responsible persons involved in the event must be made aware of the risk assessment’s findings and recommendations for safety.


All Risk Assessments must be recorded and the Risk Assessment Forms (Appendix I & II) should be used.


6.           Communications


All employees, casual workers and voluntary helpers have a responsibility to report any possible hazards/defects to the Safety Officer.


All will be given access to the church's health and safety documents and are required to make themselves familiar with all matters relating to health and safety in church.


Copies of the Health and Safety Policy will be available in the Clergy Vestry and Church Office



    1. Meetings


The ECC recognises the importance of joint consultation in both achieving and maintaining health and safety standards, and where appropriate, such consultation shall take place in accordance with the Safety Representatives and Safety Committee's Regulations 1977.


A safety committee will be established when circumstances arise.


ECC should allow for safety to be discussed at meetings etc. and ensure that all instructions take full account of known hazards associated with the work



6.2        Contractors


Contractors are required to seek out, understand and comply with all relevant safety procedures and the church’s emergency procedures.


Contractors carrying out work in the church and grounds are required to report to the Caretaker on arrival before any work starts, and on departure.


The Safety Officer (see 2.2) is responsible for agreeing a safe system of work with the contractors to meet health and safety standards and for monitoring the work to ensure the agreed protective measures are in place and complied with by the contractor.





7.0        Medical and Welfare



    1. Accident Book


All injuries, whether to employees, casual workers or voluntary helpers must be entered in the Accident Book.


The HMSO Accident Book Form BI 510 will be used for recording accidents.

Accident Books are located in the kitchen in Church and Church Office in Shirley House and kept in a secure cupboard.



7.2        First Aid Boxes


First Aid Boxes are located in the kitchen and vestry in Church, and in the downstairs kitchen in Shirley House. They are stocked with items identified in the Approved Code of Practice.


It is the responsibility of the Safety Officer to check the contents of the first aid boxes for availability and expiry dates, and replenish stock as required. This should be done annually and the date recorded in each box.


Disposable plastic gloves should be available, also plastic bags for the disposal of soiled dressings.



7.3        Injuries


All cases of serious injury should be transported to hospital by ambulance as patient's condition could worsen.


An ambulance should be called for anyone requiring hospital treatment.


Parents/Guardians or next of kin must be contacted as soon as possible. If parents cannot be contacted, the church will provide an escort.


No attempt to move an injured person should be made until appropriate examination and assessment of injuries has been completed. Injuries have been worsened by premature handling.


Minor injuries may be treated on a self-help basis or by any members of congregation.


In the case of injuries involving external bleeding:

  • normal first aid procedures should be followed. First Aiders should wash their hands before and after administering first aid and wear disposable gloves;
  • when bleeding has stopped, blood should be washed off surrounding skin with plenty of soapy water without disturbing the wound.
  • splashes of blood into the eyes or mouth of another person should be washed out immediately with plenty of water.
  • contaminated surfaces should be washed thoroughly with an approved


  • in the case of small cuts, wherever feasible, the person should wash the affected area him/herself with soap and water and cover the wound with a dressing provided.
  • in the case of cuts and puncture wounds, free bleeding should be encouraged and the part washed with soap and running water and then dressed.



7.4        Defibrillator


An AED (defibrillator) is available on the external wall of Shirley House in the event that someone suffers a sudden cardiac arrest. If this occurs, ring 999 and the operator will be able to guide you through the steps you should take to use it.




8.           Record Keeping


Under Health and Safety Regulations, and in the achievement of effective health and safety management, it is necessary to make and keep records.


8.1        Accidents


All accidents to employees, casual workers and volunteer helpers should be recorded in an approved form of accident book (BI510) and retained for a period of three years.



8.2        Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences


Fatal accidents, major injuries to employees and dangerous occurrences are to be reported to the HSE using form F2508. Major injuries include any fractured bone greater than a bone in the hand or foot and/or where an injured person is kept in hospital for more than 24hrs. Accidents causing more than three consecutive days incapacity for work must also be reported.



8.3        Control of Substances Hazardous to Health


Under the COSHH Regulations an assessment should be made to determine any substances that are hazardous to health. The assessment should include a record of the substances, measures to prevent or control the substances and information to be provided to employees (Material Safety Data Sheets).



8.4        Risk Assessments


Assessment records should include assessments for:


  • Manual Handling
  • Working at Heights
  • Use of Plant and Equipment  e.g. grass mowing machines



8.5        Equipment Inspections


Under the Regulations it is necessary to maintain equipment in "efficient working order" and "good repair" which should include regular inspection and or testing and should include:


  • Ladders and Steps
  • Fire Fighting Equipment
  • First Aid Kits
  • Office Equipment (guillotine etc.)
  • Personal Protective Equipment


9.           Hire and Lettings of Church Buildings


9.1        Hire of Church and Shirley House


If the Church is let to outside organisations or persons for entertainment functions etc. the following precautions must be taken:


  • details of the fire precautions must be made available to the hirer (see 4.4 & Appendix III);
  • the maximum number of persons allowed in Church for large gatherings is 270 and must not be exceeded at any time.
  • all emergency exits must be unlocked when the building is occupied.
  • a telephone must be made available for emergency calls.
  • the Caretaker, or agreed responsible person, must inspect the premises after out of hours use and check for possible fire.





10.        Accident Reports/Investigations


10.1      Accident Reports


All accidents to staff and dangerous incidents in church must be reported as soon as possible. Details of any accident involving injury must be entered into the accident book BI 510 which is to be held in the Church Office.


The reporting of Injuries, Diseases and dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR) require certain injuries, dangerous occurrences and diseases to be reported directly to the appropriate enforcing authority. The duty will be carried out by the Safety Officer who will complete the Form 2508 and submit it to the enforcing authority within seven days. This form now available from



10.2 Accident Investigation


In the event of a serious incident occurring, the following persons should be notified:

              - Minister/Vicar

              - Chair of ECC

              - Safety Officer


The scene of the incident must not be disturbed, unless further injury is threatened.


A serious incident is defined as one in which an injured person is admitted to hospital, property damage, or where enforcement authority investigation is likely to occur.



In the event of such an accident/incident the following procedure should be followed:

              - ensure action to deal with the immediate risk;

              - assess the investigation needed, investigation team etc.

              - determine precise/likely cause of accident/incident;

              - take steps to prevent a further occurrence;


The investigation should find out:

  • details of injured personnel;
  • details of injury, damage or loss;
  • exactly what happened;
  • what was the worst that could have happened;
  • could it happen again;
  • were standards in place for equipment, procedures etc.and were they adequate;
  • were people competent, trained, instructed;
  • what was the underlying cause of the incident;
  • what should be done to prevent it happening again;
  • who should be informed to prevent it happening again.




11.        Security


11.1      Unlocking and locking the Church


The following precautions are to be taken when the church building is occupied for services, concerts and other occasions.


Action to be taken prior to the event by the Responsible Person (also referred to as Duty Person):

  • check that access to all emergency exits is clear and not obstructed, particularly of any wood, paper or other combustible material;
  • check that the security gate to west door is unlocked and that the door is unlocked;
  • check that all fire extinguishers are in place and ready for use in an emergency;
  • check that the fire alarm control panel (located by fire escape at bottom of stairs to Choir Vestry) is showing ‘System Healthy’ green light and that no fault lights are showing;
  • nominate other Responsible Persons (see Fire Emergency Plan – Appendix III) as appropriate.


Action to be taken by the Responsible Person after the event when locking up:

  • Check all toilets and all rooms to ensure that:
    • there is no one left inside and windows are secure;
    • all equipment is disconnected and stored away securely;
    • central heating radiator control valves are turned down to level 3 setting;
    • kitchen equipment is switched OFF.


  • Check the Church to ensure that:
    • PA, screens and other equipment are switched OFF;
    • musical equipment (‘ Clavinova’) is unplugged and switched OFF;
    • organ and blower are switched OFF;
    • all  fire doors are closed;
    • security gate to west door is locked and the door is locked with bar engaged;
    • all lights are switched OFF;
    • Fire Alarm Panel is showing ‘System Healthy’ green light.


And finally:

  • ensure all entrance and exit doors/gates are locked shut;
  • switch off final light in entrance and lock front exit door shut;
  • when leaving church, please look back to double check all windows are closed and lights turned off.



11.2      Security of Keys for Access to Church


The Steward/Warden responsible for the security of keys will control the issue of keys to specified persons for access to the building.


Keys will only be issue after the specified key-holder has been trained in the procedure for maintaining the security of the building.



11.3      Reporting Incidents


In the event of the church being subject to a break in, all illegal entries must be reported. The following persons must be informed immediately by the person discovering the break in: Minister/Vicar, Chair of ECC.


All such incidents must also be reported to the police at the earliest opportunity.

12.        Review

The Health and Safety Policy will be reviewed annually. The next review is due in July 2025. This version agreed and accepted by the ECC, 24th July 2024. 



Appendix I


St Andrew’s Psalter Lane Church

Risk Assessment Form


Activity:    Date:







































































Appendix II






Control Procedure

Reduced Risk Level
































Name:__________________________________ Signature:______________________________ Date:__________________ 




Appendix IIIA




Shirley House


Fire Safety Housekeeping

Fire doors are designed to prevent the spread of fire and poisonous smoke, and to provide people with protected routes to safety or safe haven in the event of fire. DO NOT WEDGE FIRE DOORS OPEN, or store combustible materials in corridors or on stairs.


Users of the premises must familiarise themselves with the location of all fire exits, fire alarm push-buttons, fire extinguishers and the Fire Assembly Point.



Discovering a fire – what you must do


  • RAISE THE ALARM – Shout ‘FIRE, FIRE, FIRE!’ and operate the nearest fire alarm push-button to warn everyone in the building that there is a fire.
  • IF YOU SUSPECT A FIRE, SOUND THE ALARM. Do not search for the seat of the fire. Only the Fire Brigade should do that – particularly where this involves opening doors when the fire is suspected to be behind them. If there is smoke on the landing or in the hall etc. then you have already found the fire and it is time to RAISE THE ALARM!

DO NOT DELAY in summoning the Fire Brigade. Call from a place of safety. Dial 999 and inform them of the location of the fire. The address is SHIRLEY HOUSE, 31 PSALTER LANE, SHEFFIELD S11 8YL.

  Telephone is located in the Church Office.  If this is closed or inaccessible and a mobile phone is not available, use the phone in Southcroft Manager’s Office.

  • ATTEMPT TO FIGHT THE FIRE (if safe to do)

Prompt use of an appropriate fire extinguisher can prevent a major incident. If you encounter a fire then only use a fire extinguisher if it safe to do so, and if you know how to use one. Leave as soon as the extinguisher has emptied or the fire is getting bigger!















  • Leave the building immediately, do not wait to be told and do not attempt to collect personal belongings
  • If possible switch off electrical and gas appliances.
  • Close all doors and windows behind you if time permits and only when you can do so safely
  • Move swiftly but calmly to the nearest Fire Exit, (look for the ‘Running-Man’ signs)
  • If you find fire or smoke blocking your route then go a different way
  • Do not use the lift
  • If it is not possible for anyone to leave the building via the stairs, they should stay in the fire refuge at the top of the stairs and await rescue.
  • Do not block exits
  • Move away from the building and keep entrances clear for the Fire Brigade
  • Go to the Fire Assembly Point (Grass in front of building) and wait for instruction from a responsible person (e.g. Caretaker, Group Leader, Person discovering fire)
  • Do not go back into the building until you are told to do so by the responsible person or the Fire Brigade Officer in-Charge.



Helping Elderly People, Children and Visitors unfamiliar with building, for example concert attendees:


  • Adults in charge of children or responsible for elderly people must escort them from the building
  • Do Escort visitors and members of the public unfamiliar with the building
  • Do assist anyone with mobility difficulties
  • If there are disabled or injured people or others who are unable to leave the building then tell the Fire Brigade exactly where they are (floor, room number or stairwell).
  • Elderly and frail people can be escorted into Southcroft where there is a lounge area and seating. Ensure that the responsible person knows they are safe.


Fire Assembly Point


The fire assembly point for Shirley House is situated on the grass area opposite the front entrance. Keep the car park clear for emergency vehicles















Appendix IIIB




St Andrew’s Psalter Lane Church


Fire Safety Housekeeping

Fire doors are designed to prevent the spread of fire and poisonous smoke, and to provide people with protected routes to safety or safe haven in the event of fire. DO NOT WEDGE FIRE DOORS OPEN, or store combustible materials in corridors or on stairs.


Users of the premises must familiarise themselves with the location of all fire exits, fire alarm push-buttons, fire extinguishers  and the Fire Assembly Point.



Discovering a fire – what you must do


  • RAISE THE ALARM – Shout ‘FIRE, FIRE, FIRE!’ and operate the nearest fire alarm push-button to warn everyone in the building that there is a fire.
  • IF YOU SUSPECT A FIRE, SOUND THE ALARM. Do not search for the seat of the fire. Only the Fire Brigade should do that – particularly where this involves opening doors when the fire is suspected to be behind them. If there is smoke in the corridor, stairwell etc. then you have already found the fire and it is time to RAISE THE ALARM!

DO NOT DELAY in summoning the Fire Brigade. Call from a place of safety. Dial 999 and inform them of the location of the fire. The address is St Andrews Psalter Lane Church, 31 PSALTER LANE, SHEFFIELD S11 8YL.

A telephone is located next to the fire alarm panel at the foot of the stairs leading to the choir vestry. 

  • ATTEMPT TO FIGHT THE FIRE (if safe to do)

Prompt use of an appropriate fire extinguisher can prevent a major incident. If you encounter a fire then only use a fire extinguisher if it safe to do so, and if you know how to use one. Leave as soon as the extinguisher has emptied or if the fire is getting bigger!














  • Leave the building immediately, do not wait to be told and do not attempt to collect personal belongings.
  • If possible, switch off electrical appliances and close all doors and windows behind you.
  • Move swiftly but calmly to the nearest Fire Exit, (look for the ‘Running-Man’ signs)
  • If you find smoke or fire blocking your route then go a different way
  • Do not block exits
  • Go to the Fire Assembly Point (Grass area adjacent to Cherry Tree Road) and keep entrances and Car Park clear for the Fire Brigade.
  • Wait for instructions from a responsible person (e.g. Steward, Warden, Person discovering Fire)
  • Do not go back into the building until you are told to do so by the responsible person or the Fire Brigade Officer in-Charge.



Helping Elderly People, Children and Visitors unfamiliar with building, for example concert attendees:

  • Adults in charge of children and responsible for elderly people must escort them from the building
  • Do escort visitors and members of the public unfamiliar with the building
  • Do assist anyone with mobility difficulties
  • If there are disabled or injured people or others who are unable to leave the building then tell the Fire Brigade exactly where they are (floor, room or stairwell)



Special arrangements for High Risk Events


Responsible persons must be appointed for special events (e.g. Christingle Service, concerts) where there is a greater risk of fire to act as fire watch and to supervise evacuation.  Such events should be preceded by a safety announcement.



Fire Assembly Point


The fire assembly point is situated on the grassed area to the Cherry Tree Road side of the church. Keep the car park clear for emergency vehicles.












Appendix IV


Risk Assessment – Record of Significant Findings

Risk assessment for:

Assessment Undertaken by:










Completed by









Sheet Number





Step 1 – Identify fire hazards


Sources of Ignition



Sources of Fuel


Sources of Oxygen


















Step 2 - People at Risk


Step 3 - Evaluate, remove, reduce and protect from risk


Evaluate the risk of fire occurring





Evaluate the risk to people





Remove and reduce hazards




Remove and reduce risk




Assessment Review

Assessment Review date

Completed by




Review outcomes (where substantial, use new record sheet)






Appendix V


BY LAW since 13th December 2014 all food served for consumption to the public must be labelled with a full set of its ingredients and any potential allergens must be highlighted. This includes stuff provided for church bake sales.


PLEASE print or copy a label (below) for each thing that you bake/cook. Or you can get copies from the church office.

  • Fill in the left hand column with the ingredients that you have used. (If you have used a pre-prepared ingredient (such as a relish or flavouring) the ingredients of this must be listed too, or include a copy of that product’s label. Please print legibly.
  • Then go carefully through the list on the right-hand side and mark (tick or highlight) any of the allergens that may be in your product. Please be especially careful about traces of things such as gluten. Some baking powder, for instance, has gluten in it.
  • Print two copies of the label: one for the product and one for the organisers of the sale, which will be kept for the record.










  • Eggs
  • Milk
  • Fish
  • Crustaceans (for example crab, lobster, crayfish, shrimp, prawn)
  • Molluscs (for example mussels, oysters, squid)
  • Peanuts
  • Tree nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashews, pecans, brazils, pistachios, macadamia nuts or Queensland nuts)
  • Sesame seeds
  • Cereals containing gluten (wheat (such as spelt, Khorasan wheat/Kamut), rye, barley, oats, or their hybridised strains).
  • Soya
  • Celery and celeriac
  • Mustard
  • Lupin (found in flour)
  • Sulphur dioxide and sulphites (at concentration of more than ten parts per million)


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