St Andrew’s Psalter Lane Church
Conflict of Interest Policy and Procedure
Policy and procedure for St Andrew’s Psalter Lane Church (SAPLC) members of Ecumenical Church Council (ECC)* and staff
Members of the SAPLC ECC want to prevent any conflict of interest that may arise between their role as Trustees of SAPLC and their private or family interests or their association with other voluntary or community organisations, public authorities, commercial organisations or other bodies. Similarly, members of the ECC want to avoid any conflicts of interest that may arise for themselves or staff, given that they are or have been associated in a personal capacity with specific voluntary or community organisations, public authorities, commercial organisations or other bodies.
Conflicts of interest could include, but are not limited to:
- using information, influence, services or resources derived from engagement with SAPLC for personal gain or for the benefit of family members, friends, colleagues or other organisations.
- being a party to both sides of a contract or other agreement or disagreement.
- ECC and staff members should act in SAPLC's best interests only and without regard to their own private interests or those of family members, friends or colleagues, They should not derive any personal benefit or gain from the role in/with SAPLC.
- Organisations or bodies with which ECC and staff members are associated should not benefit from their membership of or employment by SAPLC; other than from the benefits that all, or significant groups of voluntary and community organisations, can receive from SAPLC and its work.
- Organisations and bodies with which ECC and staff members are associated in a personal capacity should not benefit from this association, other from than the benefits that all, or significant groups of voluntary and community organisations, can receive from SAPLC and its work.
Register of Pecuniary Interests
- All ECC and staff members on election, co-option or appointment are required to complete a declaration in which they list Pecuniary Interests which might influence their judgement, or which could be perceived (by a reasonable member of the public) to do so or confirm that there are no Pecuniary Interests. These forms will be filed in the Register of Pecuniary Interests.
- The Secretary of the ECC will ask all ECC and staff members to update their Register entry annually (ideally at the first meeting of the ECC following the Annual Church Meeting), but it is the responsibility of all Trustees and staff to notify the Secretary of the ECC of all updates as and when they arise. The Register shall be open to reasonable public inspection on application to the Secretary of the ECC.
Declarations of interest at SAPLC meetings
- All ECC and staff members present at an ECC or other meeting should make an oral declaration of any relevant interest if it relates specifically to a particular issue under consideration (and does not relate to all, or a significant group of, voluntary and community organisations). Oral declarations should be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
- If the outcome of any discussion at an ECC meeting could have a direct financial effect on an ECC or staff member on a voluntary or community organisation or other body in which they have a relevant interest (other than an interest which relates to all, or a significant group of, voluntary and community organisations), they should not participate in the discussion or determination of matters and should withdraw from the meeting. Withdrawals must be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
- If an ECC or staff member has any other interest which does not create a real danger of bias, but which might reasonably cause others to think it could influence their decision, they should declare the nature of the interest, but may participate fully in the discussion, and vote if they wish. This paragraph does not apply to disciplinary, grievance or similar procedures as separate arrangements apply.
- The Secretary of the ECC should include in the minutes of each ECC or other meeting details of any contracts/agreements entered into since the last meeting and indicate any potential conflicts of interest identified from a check of the circumstances (see Procurement Policy).
- ECC and staff members attending meetings and conferences on behalf of SAPLC should at all times act and speak in the best interests of SAPLC, following the agreed policies of SAPLC.
- ECC and staff members attending meetings and conferences in a personal capacity, or on behalf of another body, may at times be able to usefully support the best interests of SAPLC. In such circumstances they should make it clear in which capacity they are acting or speaking.
- ECC and staff members who may be placed in any conflict of interest while attending meetings and conferences should discuss their concerns at the earliest possible opportunity with the Chair of the ECC.
Staff Conflict of Interest
- Staff must avoid activities, investments or associations which might interfere with their independent exercise of judgement in SAPLC’s best interests.
- Staff may not accept, directly or through a member of their immediate family, any gratuitous payment, loan at other than at fair market rate, service or gift, from any other party doing or seeking to do business with SAPLC.
- All offers of gifts, entertainment, travel or other items will be politely declined unless this is likely to cause offence. In any event, all gifts, even if trivial, will be reported to the secretary of the ECC. Such gifts or presents will be listed in the Register of Pecuniary Interests and may be used for the furthering of SAPLC objectives.
- Staff must devote the whole of their time attention and abilities during their hours of work to their SAPLC duties. Staff must not undertake, directly or indirectly, any other duties during their hours of work unless they have the previous written authority of the Chair of the ECC.
Any exceptions, or potential exceptions, to this policy must be discussed at an appropriate meeting of the ECC of Trustees of SAPLC.
*In the context of this policy ‘ECC’ also refers to all other church committees.
The Conflict of Interests Policy will be reviewed annually. This version agreed and accepted by the ECC, 25th November 2024. The next review is due in November 2025.
St Andrew’s Psalter Lane Church
Notification of Pecuniary Interests
Name …................................................
ECC member Y/N Staff Y/N
Please delete one of the following statements and where appropriate provide details:
I wish to declare a Pecuniary Interest with respect to the role I perform within St Andrews Psalter Lane Church, and give details below:
I am not aware of any Pecuniary Interest with respect to the role I perform within St Andrews Psalter Lane Church.
Signed …..................................... Date …..................
Potential Conflicts of Interests
- using information, influence, services or resources derived from engagement with SAPLC for personal gain or for the benefit of family members, friends, colleagues or other organisations.
- being a party to both sides of a contract or other agreement or disagreement.
- ECC and staff members should act in SAPLC's best interests only and without regard to their own private interests or those of family members, friends or colleagues, They should not derive any personal benefit or gain from the role in/with SAPLC.
- Organisations or bodies with which ECC and staff members are associated should not benefit from their membership of, or employment by SAPLC; other than the benefits that all, or significant groups of voluntary and community organisations can receive from SAPLC and its work.
- Organisations and bodies with which ECC and staff members are associated in a personal capacity should not benefit from this association, other than the benefits that all, or significant groups of voluntary and community organisations can receive from SAPLC and its work.