New Electoral Roll Every six years, the Church of England requires us to prepare a new Electoral Roll, that is, a list of all those who consider themselves to be members of the Church of England and who either live in the parish or have attended worship regularly over the last six months.
All Anglican members and Joint members will need to re-register, even though they are included on the current Roll. Methodist-only members do not need to fill in a form.
If you wish to remain on the Electoral Roll, please complete and return a form (you can find one on the table in church or here) as soon as possible and in any event no later than Sunday 20th April 2025 to the Electoral Roll Officer, Judith Roberts. There will be a box on the table in the narthex as you enter the church for this purpose. Alternatively you may return your form by post to Judith Roberts, c/o Church Office, Shirley House, 31, Psalter Lane, Sheffield S11 8YL, or send a scanned completed form to Judith by email.
The Annual Church Meeting which was to take place on 27th March has been rearranged for 11th May. Please put this date in your diary and make every effort to attend.