Minutes of the Annual Church Meeting held on Thursday 29th October 2020 on Zoom
1. Prayers: the meeting opened with prayer led by Rev Gareth Jones.
2. Apologies for absence were received from
Janet and Bob Ash, Sue Preston, Rachel and Michael Wildgust, Janet Clarke, Anne and Nick Hutton.
3. Approval of Minutes: the Minutes of the previous Annual Meeting held on 7th April 2019 were agreed to be an accurate record of the meeting and would be signed by the Chair.
4. Matters arising from the Minutes: none.
5. Reports: reports had been sent in advance by email to members and friends of SAPLC and printed copies offered to those who requested them. Reports were tabled except those that needed comment or clarification.
- General Report on the Life of the Church: Gareth Jones said he had little to add, except that in the update section of his report he had wanted to thank people by name, but realised the list would be far too long; some people had been thanked as things were happening, and he had listed the kind of work he wanted to thank people for. An enormous amount of work had been done over the last 8 months and he was grateful for all of it.
- Church Membership report including Electoral Roll: report tabled. Judith Roberts reported the revised figures:
Electoral Roll 77 (Joint members 56, Anglican only members 21)
Methodist only members 50
Friends 25
Judith said we were very lucky to have the skills brought by those who had transferred to SAPLC following the closure of Broomhill Methodist Church.
- Worship Planning Committee: report tabled. The report reflected changed in worship in the last 8 months.
- Property and Finance Committee: reports tabled.
Property: report tabled.
Finance: Treasurer’s report tabled.
The audited accounts for the year ending 31 August 2020 were received.
It was proposed and seconded that Hawsons be retained as examiners. Carried Nem Con.
Charitable donations: Judith Roberts asked why there was no record of a donation to MHA [this was later found to have been the result of a misprint]
- Pastoral Work (including Church Links): report tabled.
- Music: report tabled. David Body said that Simon Dumpleton had done a huge amount of work to make the online services as good as they are; Simon thanked the Choir members who had contributed.
- Interfaith Centre: report tabled. Gareth Jones thanked Caroline Cripps for her great dedication and commitment as Chair of the Committee to the work of the Interfaith Centre since its formation.
- Young SAPLC: report tabled. John Cripps said how enjoyable the animations used in the online Sunday2 services had been.
- Safeguarding: report and new Safeguarding Policy tabled. Bill Atherton said he had done the online Safeguarding training recommended by Imogen Clout to ECC members (as had others); Janet Loughridge would keep a record of who had done the training if she was told, and there would be a central record. John Cripps said we needed to ensure that outside bodies using church premises needed to be aware of this.
- Peace and Justice: report tabled.
- Eco-Congregation: report tabled.
- Ecclesall Deanery Synod: report tabled.
- Circuit Meeting: report tabled.
- Clifford School: report tabled.
6. Elections.
- Church Stewards and Wardens: John Booler, Kweku M. Ackom-Mensah and Clare Loughridge were re-elected; there were no nominees for the second Churchwarden post.
(Each Steward and Warden serves for 4 years from the date of first election)
- Ecumenical Church Council
Clergy, Churchwardens, Stewards, members of Diocesan and Deanery Synods, a Circuit representative (Katrin Hackett), 4 Circuit Co-Superintendents, Methodist Local Preachers, Anglican Readers and the Property Steward are ex-officio members; Methodist members can serve 6 years (but do not have to); all members are elected annually.
Nominations had been received for: Bill Atherton, David Body (Chair), Caroline Cripps, Joseph Dey, Alison Gregg, Anne Hollows, Janet Loughridge, Peter Mitchell, Rachel Morris.
All nominees were declared elected.
- Deanery Synod: a nomination had been received for Anna Calvert, who was declared elected.
- Circuit: nominations had been received for Anne Hollows and John Harding. Both were declared elected.
8. Joint Church Council: The Joint Church Council is responsible for the Sharing Agreement on the church property.
The council consists of: Methodist: the Minister (or a Circuit Superintendent if the minister is Anglican), 2 Stewards and 3 members - currently Mary Kenward, Judith Roberts, Janet Evans; Anglican: the Incumbent (or Area Dean if the minister is Methodist), 2 Churchwardens and 3 members - currently David Body, Imogen Clout and Rodney Godber.
9. Renewal of licence for Quakers’ use of Shirley House for Worship. The Chairman explained
that it had been agreed at the Annual Church Meeting in 2013 that the Quaker licence should be renewed every year, and this was proposed and seconded. Carried Nem Con.
10, Any Other Business
- John Cripps informed the meeting that the young man who had been living rough in the church back porch had found a place on a scheme. Special thanks were due to Jean Allen for her role in this.
- John Cripps informed the meeting that a defibrillator had been installed on the outside wall of Shirley House near the fire exit from Room 1, for the use of the community. A call to 999 would tell the caller where the nearest defibrillator could be found, and usage is self-explanatory. Training for up to 12 people, from SAPLC and the community, would be provided post-Covid.
- David Body said we were lucky to find the range of skills in our community needed to respond to the Covid-19 situation. He thanked members for their attendance.
11. Concluding prayers: the meeting closed with the Grace.